Keeping New Year Learning Resolutions
A Free Guide to help you to achieve your 2019 New Year Learning Resolutions, is worth sharing.
Maybe it is the changing of the year, or the often public way in which we announce them, or maybe it is something to do with the natural timeframe, we start the New Year with the intention of being different when we reach the start of the next New Year, but whatever it is there is something special about a New Year’s resolution.
In reality of course, there is no reason why we can not make a resolution to change at any time of the year.
But as training, coaching and development professionals we would be foolish not to take advantage of the opportunity that each January offers to get individual employees and teams to think about how they might change for the better over the next twelve months.
Just because New Year’s Eve has passed does not mean that we have lost the opportunity for 2019, there is still quite a big window of opportunity throughout January.
Under performing individuals and teams can usually be coached into identifying the problems that they need to address and potentially how they might address the challenges inherent in finding a solution.
The big challenge for those of us who are involved in training coaching and development is in helping people to maintain their motivation when times get tough and we cannot be there to provide reinforcement.
It is all very well telling people that when the going gets tough the tough get going, but sometimes, that sort of statement from someone is looking at the issue from the outside is not what people need.
Somehow people need to get the message from someone who is recognised as having lived through a similar problem or overcome their own obstacles.
Most of us just don’t want to expose our own challenges to colleagues in that sort of way.
That is where books like Capital Gaines – Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff by Chip Gaines the star of the Fixer Upper show on USA based Home & Garden television network (HGTV), come in handy.
Chip has documented the challenges he faced and overcame, in building his successful career and business.
A major part of his success was how he decided to be fearless and trusting his gut instincts, instead of what people told him he was and was not capable of.
In many ways Chip has created a classic explanation of what people mean when they say those who never made a mistake never made anything.
Perhaps it is the down-home common sense or the hand-written pages amongst the pages of type which give this book such a persona insight into how one chap called Chip turned his mistakes in to learning opportunities and converted his weaknesses into strengths.
One message that I do get is that Capital Gaines – Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff will support people who are trying to achieve a change resolution by showing them.
- What Chip Gaines advises on approaching business decisions and life choices.
- What strategies will help you listen to your instincts and quell your fears, and
- How business people and entrepreneurs can better balance work time with family time.
You can download your free copy of the book summary of Capital Gaines – Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff Chip from the Work Place Learning Centre
Offer expires 11th January 2019
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