Employers Must Check Degree Authenticity

View Latest News Publish Date: 7-Jul-2004

Employers Must Check Degree Authenticity

The Guardian reports their investigation by a reporter who was able to buy fake degrees and A level certificates over the internet.

The university involved, Strathclyde has identified nine errors in the fakes and will not be redesigning its certificates, although is considering taking legal action against the company that is supplying them.

The investigation not only highlights the trade in fake qualifications, but also that employers seem to accept whatever candidates tell them about the qualifications they have achieved.

Strathclyde University get far fewer enquires about the degrees they have awarded than they have graduates.

The A level certificates were from the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, who have said that they are always happy to verify qualifications for employers, but add that it is the responsibility of interviewers to request the check.

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